The Department of Physics and Astronomy in Heidelberg offers a wide range of research foci. These are:
AMO (atoms, molecules and photons), astrophysics, biophysics, condensed matter physics, cosmology, environmental physics, mathematical physics, medical physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, physics of information.
Optical Quantum Systems
Synthetic quantum systems
Ultra-cold quantum gases
Quantum dynamics of atomic and molecular systems
Quantum fluids
Cosmic structure formation
Weak gravitational lensing
Structure of the Milky Way and galactic archaeology
Formation of stars and planets
Stellar structure and evolution
High-energy and non-thermal astrophysics
Galaxy formation and large-scale astronomical surveys
Gravitational wave astrophysics
Biomolecular assemblies and cellular biophysics
Theoretical physics of complex biosystems
Condensed matter at low temperatures
Correlated and quantum materials
Hybrid and organic devices
Theory of spectroscopy, dynamics and numerical methods for complex materials
Dark energy and modified gravity
Physics of the early universe and particle cosmology
Fundamental quantum structure of spacetime
Many-body physics, random tensors and field theory
Geometry and string theories
Particle physics at ATLAS
Particle physics at the LHCb
Astroparticle physics: Neutrinos and dark matter
Particle physics at mu3e
Theories beyond the Standard Model
Application specific computing
Neuromorphic and quantum computing
Circuit design
Visual learning and image analysis