Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

LHAASO and it's First Few Discoveries

Prof. Zhen Cao , Institute for High Energy Physics, Beijing, China

https://zoom.us/j/97377192005?pwd=OUZPR1Z3ZGc5WDZPYW1SakEzV1pvQT09 The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) is a new ground-based Gamma Ray detector array in its final stages of construction. The 3/4 array has been in operation for months. Many VHE gamma ray sources have been detected, including well known sources such as the Crab and Mkr421. Since many sources have been found with strong emission in the UHE(> 0.1 PeV) band, LHAASO is also starting a new era of UHE gamma ray astronomy. Due to LHAASO’s unprecedented sensitivity at photon energies above 10 TeV and it’s extremely high background rejection capability, super-PeV gamma-like events, including a record-breaking event with 1.4 PeV, are being detected for the first time. The SEDs of several galactic gamma-ray sources above 0.1 PeV measured by LHAASO reveal that our galaxy is full of PeVatrons. The extreme features of the electron PeVatron inside the Crab pose strong challenges to models and fundamental theory. These exciting discoveries enable and guide a search for hadronic PeVatrons where cosmic rays originate. With the operation of the full scale LHAASO array now starting, further exciting observational results, including those probing charged cosmic rays in the “knee” region of the energy spectrum of cosmic rays, are anticipated. Prof. Cao’s host is Felix Aharonian (felix.aharonian@mpi-hd.mpg.de)

Heidelberg Joint Astronomical Colloquium
20 Jul 2021, 16:00
Location not specified.

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