Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Highlights from two surveys of Galactic star clusters (UOCS and GlobULeS) using AstroSat

Annapurni Subramaniam , Indian Institute of Astrophysics

The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on AstroSat has been producing excellent images in the far-UV since it started operations in 2015. I lead two surveys using UVIT, to study open and globular clusters. We have completed 10 publications in the UVIT Open Cluster study (UOCS) series that cover blue stragglers, white dwarfs, sub-dwarfs and planetary nebulae. The Globular cluster UVIT Legacy Survey (GlobULeS) with 5 publications, has produced a far-UV catalog of several globular clusters, detection of a far-UV dim HB population in the most massive globular cluster Omega Centauri along with the binary blue straggler population of the core-collapsed cluster NGC 362. I plan to summarise the important results that we have obtained from these two surveys and the open questions arising out of these studies.

ARI Institute Colloquium
2 Nov 2023, 11:15
ARI, Moenchhofstrasse 12-14, Seminarraum 1.OG

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