Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Data Discovery in the VO Registry with pyVO

Markus Demleitner , ARI

If you are looking for astronomical data – catalogues, images, spectra, time series, whatever –, consulting the Virtual Observatory Registry is an excellent idea. Using an interface the Heidelberg GAVO group have recently contributed to astropy-affiliated pyVO package, you now can do so from the comfort of your jupyter notebook. In this talk, I will show you how to build queries and how to use their results. This will also serve as a very hands-on introduction into the Registry’s data model and its remaining limitations, in particular as regards “blind discovery”: data collection discovery based on physical characteristics of what a researcher is looking for rather than on project or instrument names.

ARI Institute Colloquium
11 Jan 2024, 11:15
ARI, Moenchhofstrasse 12-14, Seminarraum 1.OG

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