Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Euclid - at the start of its surveys

Knud Jahnke , MPIA

ESA's Euclid mission has been launched 9 months ago and has just started its 6-year science surveys, now scanning 10 square degrees every day. I will recap Euclid's cosmology science goals and motivate why 1000+ non-cosmologists are also eagerly waiting to use Euclid's first data. This will include an overview over Euclid's capabilities and limits, the type of data that is generated, and what kind of work to enable the mission is currently done at MPIA. I'll also give an overview of which Euclid-centered or -enabled science is planned at MPIA, how anyone interested can still get involved, including getting early access to data, and whom you can contact to about Euclid and Euclid science. And I will show the first science-ready data that were released in November, and give an outlook of which data should be expected when.

Königstuhl Colloquium
1 Mar 2024, 11:00
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Level 3 Lecture Hall (301)

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