Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Königstuhl instrumentation seminar

Goal is to learn about modern instrumentation topics in astronomy (new hardware technology like photonics, detectors, ... instrument concepts, design process, telescopes, our projects etc.) in seminar style, and give students the opportunity to both present and discuss their research topics (bachelor, master, phd, postdocs). Who needs or would benefit from, will get the appropriate university credits, but this is not only a formal teaching unit, but we try to establish at the same time a regular networking platform to connect our instrumentation juniors incl. postdocs between groups, projects and institutes. So best come and check out the format.
Website: https://svn.mpia.de/trac/gulli/quark/wiki/WikiStart
Usual location: Landessternwarte (LSW), seminar room
Contact: Contact not specified. Please contact the administrator for further information.

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