Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

The enrichment of circum-galactic gas in hydrodynamical simulations

Thales Gutcke , MPIA

I will present the results of the hot and cold circum-galactic medium (CGM) of 86 galaxies of the cosmological, hydrodynamical simulation suite NIHAO. NIHAO allows a study of how the z=0 CGM varies across 5 orders of magnitude of stellar mass using OVI and HI as proxies for hot and cold gas. The cool HI covering fraction and column density profiles match observations well, particularly in the inner CGM. OVI shows increasing column densities with mass, a trend seemingly echoed in the observations. As in multiple previous simulations, the OVI column densities in simulations are lower than observed and optically thick HI does not extend as far out as in observations. I will discuss reasons for the discrepancy between observations and simulations. I also take a look at the collisional ionisation fraction of OVI as a function of halo mass. The chemical enrichment of both halo and disc gas follow expected increasing trends as a function of halo mass that are well fit with power laws.

ITA "blackboard" Colloquium
12 Dec 2016, 11:15
Philosophenweg, 12, R106

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