Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

The new PARSEC evolutionary tracks and isochrones with alpha enhancement: Calibration with 47Tuc and improvement on the RGB bump prediction

Xiaoting Fu , SISSA

Precise studies on the Galactic bulge and multiple populations of globular cluster require stellar model with alpha enhancement and various helium contents. It is also important for extra- Galactic study to have alpha enhanced population synthesis. For this purpose we expand PARSEC model from solar-scaled composition to alpha enhanced mixtures. The new model is calibrated with globular cluster 47Tuc (NGC104). We then apply the calibration and alpha enhanced mixture based on the two 47Tuc populations ( [alpha/Fe] ∼0.4 and 0.2) to other metallicities. The new model closes the gap between the observation and model prediction on the RGB bump. Besides the alpha enhanced metal mixture in 47Tuc, we also calculate evolutionary tracks based on metal mixtures from ATLAS9 APOGEE atmosphere model.

SFB Seminar - The Milky Way System
23 Nov 2016, 15:15
ARI basement seminar room, video broadcast to HITS, LSW, MPIA

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