Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Unveiling the Role of Active Galactic Nuclei Winds in Shaping Galaxies: Impacts on Stellar Populations and Chemical Enrichment

Rogemar Riffel , UFSM

Identifying and characterizing the processes that transform galaxies from star-forming to quiescent is a fundamental goal of extragalactic astronomy. One critical transformation mechanism is galactic-scale feedback due to active nuclei (AGN). In an ongoing collaboration between Brazil (UFSM - Santa Maria, UFRGS - Porto Alegre and UNIVAP - São José dos Campos) and Germany (ARI - Heidelberg, AIP - Potsdam), our goal is to investigate the impact of AGN feedback in galaxy through the study the properties of multi-gas phase AGN winds, stellar populations, environmental effects, and chemical abundances of AGN hosts. In this talk, I will introduce the collaboration and present previous results obtained by our group. We have been studying the AGN feeding and feedback processes over 15 years, using optical and near-infrared integral field spectroscopy of inner kiloparsec of nearby active galaxies obtained with large telescopes. These observations are used to spatially resolve the molecular and ionized gas emission structure and kinematics. We find that while outflows in ionized gas are seen in most objects studied, in molecular gas they are less common, which usually is dominated by rotation in the disk of galaxies and shows inflows in some cases. The observed ionized outflows are not powerful enough to effectively quench star formation in the AGN host galaxies in most cases.

ARI Institute Colloquium
25 Jul 2024, 11:15
ARI, Moenchhofstrasse 12-14, Seminarraum 1.OG

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