Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Dark Matter and Neutrino Masses from Light hidden sectors (joint Teilchentee with MPIK)

Saereh Najjari , MPIK Heidelberg

We consider a class of models in which the hidden sector is conformal in the ultraviolet, and the conformal breaking/compositeness scale lies at or below the weak scale. The interaction between the hidden sector and the Standard Model occurs through the neutrino portal. Within this framework, the lightest stable composite state of the hidden sector is identified as dark matter. When the hidden sector is in thermal equilibrium with the Standard Model, the relic abundance of dark matter is produced through the freeze-out mechanism, involving dark matter annihilation into final states containing neutrinos. Conversely, when the hidden sector is out of equilibrium with the Standard Model, dark matter is produced through the freeze-in mechanism. Remarkably, the neutrino portal not only connects dark matter to the Standard Model but also leads to the generation of neutrino masses via the inverse seesaw mechanism, where composite hidden sector states assume the role of singlet neutrinos. To provide a concrete realization of this framework, we construct a holographic model based on a five-dimensional warped geometry and study its phenomenological implications.

14 Dec 2023, 16:15
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Phil12, SR106

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